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Welcome to the Timisoara WordPress Theme

40+ Pages .

This theme comes with necessary features for your online presence like portfolio, blog, testimonial and personal profile page etc.

Many Shortcodes .

Many shortcodes along with hundreds of options give you complete control over your content and styling.

Retina Ready .

Timisoara is 100% responsive, each and every element are fully responsive. Weather you're looking at mobile, tablet and desktop devices.

Free Premium Plugins .

Our theme includes, Visual Composer page builder and Slider Revolution plugins. You'll save $53 from our theme purchase of $49.

Timely Updates .

We're the team with always hear from your needs. So, Timisoara will always be the first line for your needs as an updates.

High Performance .

Timisoara business agency theme it is developed specifically for all types of consulting business, startup company.

Custom Typography .

Timisoara supports 600+ google fonts and all type of css font properties. It also support custom font class properties.

Translation Ready .

Timisoara is ready for translation support. This will help you to get all content in Timisoara in your language easily.


The Most powerful Page Builder providing you with an advanced handy tool with drag and drop mode to customize your pages

Fully SEO Optimized .

Theme perfectly supports search engine algorithms. Well structured code ensures smooth experience in search engines.

Friendly Support .

Get a high quality support service with us, We have dedicated support team waiting for your ticket.

Highly Customizable .

We have a huge number of layouts that are easy to edit. You can edit each and every sections of Timisoara theme.

Ready to Use Inner Pages