+32 456 789012
121 Park Drive, Varick Str, Newyork, USA
Mechanical Engineering
Manufacturing & Maintenance

There are four basic production processes for producing desired shape of a product...
Agriculture Processing
Technoeconomic Activities
Agriculrure processing is the transformation of raw ingredients, by physical...
Chemical Research
Pharmaceutical Sectors
We offers chemical R&D services to the fine chemical, pharmaceutical & biotech...
Petroleum and Gas
Petroleum and Gas
We have all come to appreciate energy as the prime mover of our economy...
Material Engineering
Research and Development
An independent materials and metallurgical engineering, consulting and testing...
Power and Energy
Sun's energy to provide heat
Technologies use the sun's energy and light to provide heat, light and electricity...
Address: 121 Park Drive, Varick Str, NY
Working Hrs: Mon - Sat: 9am to 18pm
Over 24 years experience and knowledge international standards, technologicaly changes our industrial systems, we are dedicated to provides the best solutions to our valued customers there are many variations solutions.
Best factory award of the year
February 27, 2023
Best factory award of the year
March 14, 2023.
Best factory award of the year
January 05, 2023